Official Productive Industries Wikia

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Colored Gold is and alloy of silver, gold and copper and comes in many different colors. They vary from white to green/yellow, red/yellow, blue/yellow, depending on how much copper and silver the gold contains.

Colored Gold is an alloy that can be produced though alloying Gold and Copper. It is mainly used to purchase a few items in the Shop.

The most efficient ratio to produce Colored Gold is 6 Golden Temples and 5 Copper Huts. (6:5)

In extreme mode, it can be cut into plates with the Suspended Plate Cutter and smahsed into dust with the Metal Smasher.

Item Item Yield
6 Golden Temples 5 Copper Huts 1 Colored Gold/second
36 Golden Temples 5 Copper Station 6 Colored Gold/second